Saturday, August 13, 2016

Day 12

The day started like every other, a meeting at 8:25 and breakfast at 8:30. But it wasn't that ordinary, it was actually PRESENTATION DAY! You know, the presentation we've been preparing for the last 4 days. After breakfast, we rehearsed and prepared for it.

                Then we had lunch at the usual time, but dinner was much earlier because we wanted to have the presentation before it got dark. It all started in the Plenary room where workshop group 'Creative Writing and Activism' presented first as they read the pieces they've written.

The next was the workshop group 'Theatre’ with a modern version of ‘Romeo and Juliet’.

 After that, we had to move outside to see the next 3 groups perform. Workshop group ‘Circus’ presented the newly gained skills, and the other 2 groups worked together; workshop group ‘Masks’ performed while the workshop group ‘Drums’ were playing. Overall, it was a wonderful experience that led to tears and afterwards some pizza.

                The night ended with optional games and wishing each other goodnight.

Your daily reporters

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